Friday 9 March 2012

Elliot Erwitt - Sequentially Yours

From the BBC
The book Sequentially Yours collects a series of vignettes by legendary photographer Elliott Erwitt.
Each photo is taken just moments apart with the sequence telling a story that is surprising, moving or simply funny.
The Paris-born photographer, whose Russian-Jewish family emigrated to the US in the late 1930s, got the idea when he was looking through the contact sheets of all his work.
He realised that "sometimes a story is better told by more pictures rather than one".
The short stories about life and lovers, pets and children were shot all over the world during the past 60 years.
In his studio and apartment facing New York's Central Park Erwitt told the BBC how patience is the key to getting a good sequence of photographs.

Produced by Anna Bressanin, Camera by Ilya Shnitser"

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